On the Role and Place of «GNINGI» OJSC in Solving the Scientific Problems of Support for the Maritime Activities Safety of the Russian Federation. V. P. Keondjian, A. F. Zenkov. – Navigation and Hydrography. – 2016. – No. 45. – Р. 7–16.

The information about the results of the «GNINGI» OJSC activities, taking into consideration its status and sphere of activities at present is presented. The state and main priority directions of the scientific activities are evaluated for the nearest time in prospect.

Key words: maritime activities, navigation-hydrographic support, scientific-technical support, R&D.

Model of Errors for Strapdown Inertial Navigation System of a Flight Vehicle. D. S. Silantyev. – Navigation and Hydrography. – 2016. – No. 45. – Р. 17–23.

The developed model of errors for the strapdown inertial navigation system of a flight vehicle, based on three accelerometers and three angular velocity sensors is described. The algorithm of its formation as well as the structural scheme of such a system are presented. An example of solving the practical task using the developed model is given.

Key words: strapdown inertial navigation system, flight vehicle, model of errors, parameters of movement.

Specific Features of Designing the Sailing Routes of Ships and Vessels under the Present-Day Conditions. P. G. Brodsky, Y. V. Rumyantsev, A. N. Lukin. – Navigation and Hydrography. – 2016. – No. 45. –
Р. 24–36.

The specific features of designing the sailing routes of ships and vessels connected with the change of IMO standards for ship navigation accuracy and the necessity to take into consideration the Navy guiding documents for provision of navigation safety under the extreme hydrometeorological conditions , are considered. The suggestions for improvement of the normative base during the design process are presented. The organizational-logical scheme for their development is shown.

Key words: navigation safety, system of sailing routes, accuracy standards for ship navigation, guiding documents, navigation width and depth of channel, stages of design.

The Probabilistic-Combinatorial Model of Imitating the Turbulent Diffusion of Admixture in the Ocean to Carry out the Navy Tasks. Y. N. Zhukov. – Navigation and Hydrography. – 2016. – No. 45. – Р. 37–44.

The model of imitating the turbulent diffusion of admixtures in the ocean is presented. The model includes the imitation of two mechanisms of turbulent diffusion: the washout of admixture cloud and its clusterisation.

Key words: admixture, turbulent diffusion.

On Standard Models of Oceanosphere, Oceans and Large Lakes. A. I. Sorokin, N. G. Zelenkova, E. G. Markova. – Navigation and Hydrography. – 2016. – No. 45. – Р. 45–50.

Concepts of standard and reference hydrospheres, as well as standard models of other geographical objects are considered. Examples of the thermal component of the standard hydrosphere and reference models of its parts are given. The variant of climatic environmental epochs regulation is suggested. Approaches to creating the standard lake models are suggested.

Key words: standard hydrosphere, reference hydrosphere, climatic epochs.

The Alternating Ability in Hydrometeorology and Its Role in Hydrometeorological Support for the Navy. Y. N. Zhukov. – Navigation and Hydrography. – 2016. – No. 45. – Р. 51–59.

The notion of alternating ability as a phenomenon, mathematic models and characteristics describing it is presented. The estimates of significance of this phenomenon to take account in the Navy operations are presented.

Key words: alternating ability, turbulence, diffusion, fractal, chaos.

Assessment the Possibility of Dissipation of Undulatus and Stratiform Clouds In Interests Of Hydrometeorological Support. A. P. Doronin, G. G. Shchukin, V. M. Petrochenko, O. I. Didyk, S. A. Shmalko. – Navigation and Hydrography. – 2016. – No. 45. – Р. 60–68.

In the article on the basis of processing of aircraft sounding materials of the atmosphere over Arkhangelsk the assessment of the possibility of dissipation undulatus and stratiform clouds in interests of hydrometeorological support is made.

Key words: сlouds, modification, air-mass stratiform clouds, frontal stratiform clouds, dissipation of clouds, hydrometeorological support.

State and Development Tendencies of Operational Oceanology Systems in the Navies of the Foreign Countries. A. F. Zenkov, S. I. Mastryukov. – Navigation and Hydrography. – 2016. – No. 45. – Р. 69–76.

The information about the history of development, the current state and development tendencies of the systems of operative oceanology (OOS) abroad is presented. It can be of interest when creating the home OOS for the Navy of Russia.

Key words: foreign and home systems of operative oceanology, system of hydrometeorological support for the Navy, hydrodynamic models.

Climatic Specific Features of Meteorologic Visibility Range on the Territory of Russia and on the Water Area of the Northern Parts of the World Ocean. S. I. Mastryukov, I. V. Lavrova. – Navigation and Hydrography. – 2016. – No. 45. – Р. 77–83.

The results of creating the database of shipboard meterologic observations for the meteorologic visibility range are presented. Based on them, the evaluation of repeatability of the limited visibility range on the territory of Russia and water area of the northern parts of the World ocean is carried out. It is shown that the created database can be used to prepare the maritime guides on hydrometeorologic navigation conditions.

Key words: meteorologic visibility range, database, climatic data support for the Navy.

On Evaluation of Effectiveness of Hydrometeorological Support for the RF Armed Forces Activities in the Arctic. A. A. Borisov, A. B. Makov, S. V. Chernishev. – Navigation and Hydrography. – 2016. – No. 45. – Р. 84–89.

The problem of estimating the efficiency of hydrometeorological support for armed forces in the Arctic is considered from the standpoint of the theory of efficiency of purposeful processes. It will implement the integrated approach to the assessment of efficiency, taking into account the physical and geographical conditions of the Arctic and the challenges facing the forces.

Key words: the effectiveness of hydrometeorological service, the quality of forecasts of hydrometeorological conditions, the operating system, the operating situation.

In memory of Yury Vladimirovich Rumyantsev.