Possibilities of Creating the Correction Systems using the Magnetic Field for Ship Navigation Complexes. P. I. Maleyev. – Navigation and Hydrography. – 2016. – No. 44. – Р. 9–15.

The specific features of the Earth¢s magnetic field and artificial magnetic bench marks and possibilities of their registration on the marine moveable objects are considered. The advantages of using these fields when creating the correction systems for ship navigation complexes are evaluated. The results of experimental and field explorations of the created mock-up versions of such systems are presented.

Key words: navigation complex, correction system, the Earth¢s magnetic field, ship(borne) magnetometric system, magnetic bench mark.

Place of Gravimetric Equipment among the Ship Navigation Aids and Prospects of its Development. P. I. Maleyev. – Navigation and Hydrography. – 2016. – No. 44. – Р. 16–20.

The gravimetric equipment plays an important part in increasing the accuracy of ship navigation aids. However, the present-day level of its development does not meet the current requirements, and what is more important, the long-term requirements. To increase the accuracy of gravimeters by reducing their instrumental errors, it is expedient to use, as a sensitive element, not the deformation of the resilient bodies (springs. etc), but suspension of the tested mass in electrostatic and magnetic fields. To reduce the methodical errors due to Eotwos effect it is expedient to use the advanced heading indication systems and devices measuring the absolute speed (which, in particular, use the Earth¢s magnetic field and artificial magnetic bench marks).

Key words: navigation, gravimetric devices, gravity acceleration, deviation of plumb line, inertial navigation system, errors.

Analysis of Methods of Navigation-Hydrographic Support for Search Submarine Vehicles during Search and Fixing the Position of Submarine Objects by Geodetic Points. A. V. Arnautov, A. N. Soloshchev,
D. A. Stanishevsky. – Navigation and Hydrography. – 2016. – No. 44. – Р. 21–29.

The methods of navigation-hydrographic support for search submarine vehicles during the search and fixing the position of the detected submarine objects by geodetic points, are analyzed. It is shown that the method using the coordination of submarine vehicles by means of responders provides the highest accuracy.

Key words: submarine vehicle, submarine, dead reckoning, coordinates, fixing the position by geodetic points.

Hydrolocation Monitoring of Bottom Features. N. A. Nesterov, V. V. Guzivaty, N. A. Naumenko. – Navigation and Hydrography. – 2016. – No. 44. – Р. 30–37.

The monitoring of the individual bottom features is location extremal important in the study of relief-forming processes in lake Ladoga. The location and movement of small forms of the relief (small stone clusters, single boulders and ridges) allow to describe the dynamics of processes and to assess their degree of intensity in the zones of seismic activity, faults and potential landslide movements. The main difficulty of monitoring the small-size objects on the bottom is in accurately determining their location, the error magnitude is often far greater than the size of observed objects and therefore does not allow to identify reliably and trace the dynamics of their relocation. It is proposed to solve this problem by the method of binding the objects uniquely identifiable on the sonar image, relative to each other.

Key words: monitoring, bottom features, side scan sonar, root mean square error, sonar image.

The Method of Evaluating the Synchronization of Tides with Movement of the Moon and the Sun. Y. N. Zhukov, E. V. Fedorova. – Navigation and Hydrography. – 2016. – No. 44. – Р. 38–46.

The method used to evaluate the extent of synchronization of tide variations with visible movement of the Moon and the Sun is presented. It is shown that the tidal variations in diurnal, semidiurnal and quarterdiurnal intervals of periods are synchronized with the visible movement of the Moon and the Sun to a different degree.

Key words: tides, synchronization, the Moon, the Sun.

The Method of Evaluating the Tide Variations Similarity. E. V. Fedorova, Y. N. Zhukov. – Navigation and Hydrography. – 2016. – No. 44. – Р. 47–52.

The method used to evaluate the synchronization degree of two tide variations observed in different points of the water area is presented.

Key words: tides, synchronization.

The Concept of Automated Cartographic System for Geospatial Data Processing and Preparation for Issuing of Maritime Cartographic Products and some points of its realisation. S. V. Reshetnyak, А. B. Afonin – Navigation and Hydrography. – 2016. – № 44. – С. 53–61.

The concept of a prospective technology for creating and maintaining up to date of cartographic products issued by the Department of  Navigation and Oceanography of  Ministry of Defense is considered. Some items of the development of the automated cartographic system (ACS) for spatial data processing and preparation for publication of the marine cartographic products are discussed from the point of view of the experts of the military-scientific support group. Some important aspects of the implementation of the functionality of ACS are analyzed.

Key words: automated cartographic system (ACS); geospatial data; functional subsystem; nautical cartographic products; metaobjects; geospatial objects database.

Diagnostics of the Wind According to Doppler Weather Radar Data. A. M. Devyatkin, V. Y. Zhukov, Y. V. Kuleshov, S. V. Chernishev, G. G. Shchukin. – Navigation and Hydrography. – 2016. – No. 44. – Р. 61–70.

The way to diagnose the wind field on the basis of processing the results of measurements of the Doppler meteorological radar is described. Results of approbation of this method and some problems of realization are described.

Key words: field of wind, meteorological radar-location.

Technology of Adapting the Physico-Statistic Forecasting Methods to the Physico-Geographical Conditions of the Russian Federation Arctic Regions. A. А. Borisov, A. B. Makov. – Navigation and Hydrography. – 2016. – No. 44. – Р. 71–78.

The technology of adapting the regression forecasting methods of hydrometeorologic values to the physico-geographical conditions of specific area is proposed. This operation enables to increase the quality of the used forecasting methods due to the successive calculation of the prognostic model parameters using the data of hydrometeorological measurements specific for the forecast area.

Key words: adaptation of the forecasting method, physico-statistic model, successive method of least squares.

The Generalized Indicator Model of Safety of Work Outdoors in Cold Time. Yu. V. Shipko, E. V. Shuvakin, S. S. Zemtsov. – Navigation and Hydrography. – 2016. – No. 44. – Р. 79–85.

The model of biometeorological indicator used to evaluate the safety of work in the open (air) under the severe weather-climate conditions is considered. The model is based on the package of several criteria of weather severity using the dimensionless Harrington desirability scale.

Key words: generalized bioclimatic indicator, Harrington desirability function, index of cold stress, safety of work outdoors.

Scientific-Methodical Approach to Calculation of the Flight Visibility Range for Aeronavigation According to the Rules of Visual Flights. V. V. Dorofeyev, A. V. Stepanov, D. V. Gedzenko. – Navigation and
Hydrography. – 2016. – No. 44. – Р. 86–92.

The scientific-methodical approach to calculation of the inclined flight-Noi visibility for meteorologic support of air navigation under the low clouds according to the rules of visual flights is presented.

Key words: inclined flight visibility, air navigation, meteorologic support, visual flight.

The Time of Our Alarms and Anxiety. V. V. Starozhitsky. – Navigation and Hydrography. – 2016. – No. 44. – Р. 93–97.